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Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Smoke It And You'll Regret It

It seems that stuffing stuff in ur lungs are kinda the rage these days huh? well dun get me wrong I couldnt care less if u all wan clog ur arteries,block ur alveolus to make its TSA/V ratio lower but when someone like azmira does it too...well thats where I draw the line...oh yea sure you get all the nice flavours of eg : apple mixed with guava or w/e but was the expenses worth it? really, I mean u might as well just take ur money, pile it up in one corner and burn it all while inhaling the carbon dioxide/water vapours...heck isnt that wat ur doing anyway? oh for the flavour? just put scented candles around you trust me it'll be the same thing but the effects would be less deadly...some anonymous alveolus blocking junkie told me that its safe if u control it, I guess he never heard of prevention is better than cure I suppose..wouldnt it be easier to have lived and let die?...yea humans are born different it is the pinacale of existence surely someone like me would understand...but are we really that different until we get the urge to kill oursleves slowly from the inside just to show our differences in the community? cant we just show our variation through productive actions rather than rashly gambling our lives for the sake of pleasure and fun?...if killing urself means its fun than hell! I must be the most boring man on earth...In a nutshell, my final advice to you, ultimately you azmira...if u truly wish to kill urself, try slitting ur wrists...sure its painful at first but at least you dont suffer in the future...Smoke It And You'll Regret It...
-because I care for ur welfare-
Muffin007, Art5503

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