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Thursday, September 17, 2009

Raya Ruckus

Arghhh its supposed to be a holiday! holidays are supposedly fun and exciting...the freedom, the wind in ur face feeling...but tis time its not! Raya or Eid is just around the corner already and im not enjoying it one bit...everytime i see one of those smarmy Eid commercials i just wanna put an axe through the could those kids in the TV haf so much fun and i dont? Bah...of course its got to do with the S.............P......................M factor +_+ ....but as a once famous englishman once said "all work and no play, makes jack a dull2 boy" ...just let me do somethin besides pouring into the books...Raya Reformation? i call it Raya Ruckus :(

1 comment:

ruby said...

haish, cant agree more :'|