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Sunday, July 19, 2009

Random Story @@"

A knock at the door. I got out of bed and made a grunting noise to show that I am wide awake. The clock shows that it was time to go to school, I quickly took a shower and got dressed in my prefect uniform. Mom is at the door her shouts clearly heard “Muffin you snail get out of bed or I will….” she did not finish that sentence because I am already prepared for school. Thus ending the holidays.

Like any other day I waited at the bus stop awaiting the arrival of my school bus. A familiar sound giggles behind me, I spun around and greeted my friend from school, “hey Susan!” I gave her a warm smile. She is a brunette, she had vivid green eyes that sparkle when she looks you in the eye. ”Hey Muffin!” she replied back, I studied her closely she was wearing a prefect uniform like mine except she wore a skirt and I wore pants. I asked her about her holiday and did she enjoy it or not. Suddenly, a horn blares from the sidewalk, the bus has arrived I got on the bus and took a seat right next to Susan.

The bus turns a corner, a familiar building that had towers and ramparts can be seen. “St Mark always looked good on the outside but not on the inside.” Susan joked, I chuckled at her joke. The bus stops at the entrance, I got out of my seat and proceeded to my dormitory with my bags. I said goodbye to Susan because the girls dormitory is on the other tower. I put my bags down and greeted my fellow dorm mates. A bell rang signaling that it was time to go to class. I checked my timetable and noticed that it was time for Chemistry. I took up my books and proceeded to class. I was a tad late because I had to go the men’s room. All the seats were empty except the one beside Susan because she was sitting at the back, “Obviously, she was late as well” I thought to myself. I sat down beside her and started listening to the droning of the teacher.

The smell of rotten eggs filled my nostrils. Susan pinched her nose waving the air in front of us to fan the foul stench away. She looked at me blankly, I shrugged, “Maybe we put in the wrong ingredients.” She had her hair tied behind her in a ponytail, “She looks cute when she ties her hair like that.” I stole a glance at Susan again, she has been my best friend ever since I entered the gates of St. Mark. I have always had feelings for her but I never really felt this way before, like I really love her. She snaps her fingers in front of me to bring me back to reality, “we suck at Chemistry, we cant even read instructions right!” she flustered. I nodded in response still thinking about what I felt just now.

“I want you two to scrub every single apparatus in this laboratory!” the teacher punished us. Me and Susan nodded and said “yes sir.” in unison. The teacher left the room in a hurry because he had to be somewhere at that time. Susan grabbed the test tubes and started scrubbing and washing them. I looked at her and suddenly my heart started beating very fast, we were alone I had to take this chance. I walked up to her and took held her hand in mine, I gazed deeply into her Emerald green eyes and said, “Susan. I love you.” She gasps in astonishment and says, “I love you too Muffin.” A lion inside me roars in triumphant.

Me and Susan were fine. We sat together, did our homework together, almost everything we did was together. One day, I asked her about her roots. Although she is my best friend I never really cared that much about her past until now. She started talking about her life at middle school. She had a boyfriend before me, but when the boyfriend broke up with her she was devastated. Suddenly she started crying, “what is wrong?” I asked. She stuttered while saying “I cannot handle another break up. I think we should just remain friends for now.” The lion in me suddenly whimpers in depression. “How I wish I had not asked her about the past!”

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