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Friday, July 31, 2009

Masks shud be worn not torn...

Considering the state of our nation right now...its only fair to warn u tat no one is safe...H1N1 the new micro-scourge of the sky...caring for nothin and no one it infects...first it enters ur body through ur respiratory organ eg : nose or mouth or through contact process eg : skin touching infected area....tan it slowly develops in ur body making u hard to breathe and giving u a fever and might seem like a harmless fever but deep inside its the ultimate pathogen besides HIV/ when someone gives u a mask u shud :
  • thank god and tat person because he/she cares for u
  • avoid taking it off in public areas (mayb got infected person nearby)

so yea tat was a public service announcement provided by me because right now Im feeling feverish myself...beware the H1N1 and always remember tat "prevention is better tan cure"

New Template

after recieving several negative feedback from the public (anonymous) i decided to change my template and make everyone happy by giving them wat they ye hopefully tis one better and i look forward to hear more suggestions from u all
-sekians- ;D

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Book Review!

With SPM comin up i tink i shud do a review on a text book or somethin...but wouldnt tat be boring? would even be intrested at all? so heres a book i found on my study table that night...its called Darren Shan-Dark from wat i can tell from tis book its the continuation of 8 yea the storyline hmm, its about 3 kids who are part of an ancient weapon called the KAH-GASH now the KAH GASH is an ultimate weapon tat could destroy universes..its somethin like the Death these kids are in an endless battle against things like demons or in the book they're called The Demonata, Werewolves, Dark Mages and nasty humans with gun...this particular book shows grisly details of people and demon alike being ripped,punctured,exploded,sizzled,melt and etc... so yea its kinda nice was well thought of and it has Death in it can u believe it? Death itself is a bad at rm45-rm50 its actually worth buying...theres even a warning at the back sayin: beware really scary.

Pros :

  • In depth story-line
  • great narration and details (almost feels like im in the book)
  • good guys as well as bad guys dies
  • affordable price (harry potter was rm100++)
  • nice cover...

Cons :

  • some parts were hard to understand

so take my word for really is a nice book overall 4/5

Monday, July 27, 2009

The Forgotten One

My children are grown up with jobs and wives,
I am left alone...with my forks and knives...

They promised me plenty...oh yes they did,
Alas i was an old box of pencil lead...

As i sat at the corner with tears on my cheek...
The rain began pouring the roof began to leak!

With a sigh of dissapointment...I fell into darkness,
hoping one day to be repayed for my undying kindness...

All I Ever Wanted...

Your face shines as brightly as the morning sun,
the light a beacon in the dark,
im sorry i took off and broke into a run,
my heart was an old tree bark...

I know i made mistakes in the unforgotten past,
and yes...
i put the world first...and us at last...

Now i realize...
All i ever wanted was for you to be with me...
must my broken heart constantly repeat?
I need you here..2gether with me............................(Canon in D major plays)

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Nothing Lasts Forever...

It has been a hectic year so far...with exams comin up as well as the death of the King Of Pop...Its always good to unwind and relax after a long day..I always enjoy spending time with "the wind beneath my wings"...Shes been with me through thick and thin, comfort me when i am down and always put a smile on my face..but alas to my dismay life always finds a way to kick take tat special someone away from us...Yesterday on the 25th of july 09 was like the september 11 for me...on tat Dark Grey Stormy Morning (Dramatic effect) at 0800 hours the wind beneath my wings died first i couldnt believe it but when i saw it my heart was filled with is as if the happiness was sucked out from me...though my dad bought me a replacement phone, with a flashlight and all it didnt have tat ooommphh feeling tat my late phone gave me.........below is the replacement pic of it *you are not alone chorus ooozes out of laptop)

-replacements phone nokia 1166 i tink?

-image of the once proud Nokia 5530 being the light
tat makes my darkness dissapear...R.I.P 25.7.09

Friday, July 24, 2009

A fren of mine and i hope hes urs to :D

Muhammad or Ghrok is 16 yrs old...he skools at SMKTS...Now i've known Ghrok for many years and i just wanna say tat hes a swell guy lol..he helps people when they are in trouble and he has a deep sense of brotherhood (akif?) for hes fellow people...hes a fren tat we could and should all trust and care about because he is like The Ink To Our Pen.
Sekians :D

Am I really tat cheap!?

2day i went to the Ali Bistro near my housing yea at tat time my fren danial and dun haf enough money to pay for hes milo i took out my wallet and gave him a Rm1.00 note..he takes it in surprise eyeing me suspiciously as if i had given him a bomb...tis is how the dialog goes :

Me : asal?
Danial : are u ok azrul?
Me : ye, y shudnt i be?
danial : u gave me a rm1.00..the azrul i knw wont even pay for hes own food (he said more crap but i skip to the important points)
Me : laaa i cant be generous for once ke?
Danial : Are u getting married? usually ppl are nice when they getting married...
Me : *ignores last comment*

tan my other fren acap say sumthin bout the food im ordering... I say I pay for myself la!

Danial : WTH?! seriously?! u getting married ke? Is sumthin wrong?
Me : *ignores again*
so yeah now i ask myself tis question...AM I REALLY TAT CHEAP!?

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Mistakes Of A Person

Humans or "homosapiens" were never born perfect...we have our specialties as well as our disabilities...we make mistakes because that is how we learn and obtain experience so that we do not make the same mistakes again...Life always put us in situations where we need to tink fast on our feet and of course fail at it...But "We fall so that we learn to pick ourselves back up"...We must realize tat mistakes are wat makes us human even the greatest among us fail and make mistakes eg : Einstien who made a mistake by discovering the atom bomb and plunging our earth into a unsteady form of peace and tranquility...Najib Abdul Razak who was the founder of PLKN and made generations to come (even me) suffer and cry in regret for the bad luck i had yea In A Nutshell mistakes are not our enemies and we must embrace them and we must persevere and keep tryin because "The Darkest Night Is Just Before The Dawn"

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

8 Hours Of Bliss

first time i stayed at skool that long....2day I had to go to the dewan or "sauna", "hell" for a Ceramah on how to be a better student/son/person started of wit a talk on how to be a better a person now I was eager to learn cause SPM so near now ._." ....the 1st 10 minutes i was sitting in a upright position...after tat well all around me ppl were in various positions..some were not even there spritually (sleeping la) I resisted the temptation to sleep so i go write a small story titled "Elements Of Life"...after tat we went canteen to eat for breaktime...Mmmmm the food was enriched with vitamin F...Vitamin F makes food taste better cause the F stands for FREE yes sir free food complete with complimentary water (sirap)...Ahhhh refreshed with a full stomach I and the rest of the flock went back into dewan for 2nd ceramah...Being in the hot dewan again! with the pengetua droning about how we shud top tis and tat etc made me realize tat when we hear ppl talk and haf a full stomach we become sleepy and Zzzzzzzz i fell into a short nap...Shortly after i was awoken when it was time for lunch..YES LUNCH TIME possibly the best thing that happened to me in the past 3-4 hours we ate NASI AYAM tat was enriched with more vitamin F...after lunch and prayers we went back to dewan for 3rd ceramah...tis ceramah was emo ceramah made some of the girls cry..I wanted cry oso but wanna look macho infront of the ladies >.<

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Movie Review! (Harry Potter THBP)

Ahhhh yes Harry Potter...I remember when I was a little kid...Harry Potter The Sorcerers Stone was my fav i grew older with the movies itself i noticed somethin...a consistency in the movies...i realized tat as i grew older the movie grew WORST yes worst! sooo when my dad got us movie tickets to see Harry Potter THBP i thought "Ohhh shit! was rm12 worth it?" but in the movie theatre at Pavilions own GSC or was it TGV sitting on the comfortable seats with the popcorn tat gave u ur value for money (promotes ^^) the movie was actually OK. The movie dint suck! as i thought it would! Stunning Visual Effects and Jaw-Dropping performances as well as eye catching moments from the Enchanting Emma Watson kept me leaning forward in my seat wanting for more! (sounds so wrong o.o) sure the magic was gone but the beauty of it was there...sure a few scenes made me "raise my eyebrows" but nevertheless the storyline was sound and Emma Watson was there so yea overall i giv it a 3/5.

Pros :
  • Visuals was good
  • Storyline was sound enough
  • Malfoy got hes ass kicked!
  • Emma Watson!

Cons :

  • Some scenes were not nesseccary
  • Not many duel scenes
  • Dumbeldore dint die the way i wanted him to T.T
but it doesnt matter wat i say One Mans Meat is Another Mans u shud check it out and Emma Watson...Harry Potter THBP in theatres NOW :

A Friend In Need Is A Friend Indeed

2day as i rode the bus, a person *anonymous* had trouble with the relationship he/she (cant be to obvious) was i eavesdropped on the conversation and listened to hes/her problems i began giving advice! yes advice! it happened twice this year! one at the toilet where i gave Ali and Ong tips on how to study. Anyways i said "u shud remember the good times and forget the bad" tan a peribahasa came out "buang yang keruh ambil yang jernih" i added...i also said "life is like the weather", "tanpa angin bertiupan laut takkan bergelora" etc

so yea i tink tat when i see ppl in need i cant resist to help them even if they dont want it in the 1st me nice but tats just who i am ^^b

Sekians for 2day....

Sunday, July 19, 2009

The Secret Within

We humans were born different with different potentials and different attributes...These are what made us accept each other and embrace each other as a single community and as a species. Some were born to lead, others were born to do nothing at all. I was born to do somethin special, I was born to do............................MAGIC!

Random Story @@"

A knock at the door. I got out of bed and made a grunting noise to show that I am wide awake. The clock shows that it was time to go to school, I quickly took a shower and got dressed in my prefect uniform. Mom is at the door her shouts clearly heard “Muffin you snail get out of bed or I will….” she did not finish that sentence because I am already prepared for school. Thus ending the holidays.

Like any other day I waited at the bus stop awaiting the arrival of my school bus. A familiar sound giggles behind me, I spun around and greeted my friend from school, “hey Susan!” I gave her a warm smile. She is a brunette, she had vivid green eyes that sparkle when she looks you in the eye. ”Hey Muffin!” she replied back, I studied her closely she was wearing a prefect uniform like mine except she wore a skirt and I wore pants. I asked her about her holiday and did she enjoy it or not. Suddenly, a horn blares from the sidewalk, the bus has arrived I got on the bus and took a seat right next to Susan.

The bus turns a corner, a familiar building that had towers and ramparts can be seen. “St Mark always looked good on the outside but not on the inside.” Susan joked, I chuckled at her joke. The bus stops at the entrance, I got out of my seat and proceeded to my dormitory with my bags. I said goodbye to Susan because the girls dormitory is on the other tower. I put my bags down and greeted my fellow dorm mates. A bell rang signaling that it was time to go to class. I checked my timetable and noticed that it was time for Chemistry. I took up my books and proceeded to class. I was a tad late because I had to go the men’s room. All the seats were empty except the one beside Susan because she was sitting at the back, “Obviously, she was late as well” I thought to myself. I sat down beside her and started listening to the droning of the teacher.

The smell of rotten eggs filled my nostrils. Susan pinched her nose waving the air in front of us to fan the foul stench away. She looked at me blankly, I shrugged, “Maybe we put in the wrong ingredients.” She had her hair tied behind her in a ponytail, “She looks cute when she ties her hair like that.” I stole a glance at Susan again, she has been my best friend ever since I entered the gates of St. Mark. I have always had feelings for her but I never really felt this way before, like I really love her. She snaps her fingers in front of me to bring me back to reality, “we suck at Chemistry, we cant even read instructions right!” she flustered. I nodded in response still thinking about what I felt just now.

“I want you two to scrub every single apparatus in this laboratory!” the teacher punished us. Me and Susan nodded and said “yes sir.” in unison. The teacher left the room in a hurry because he had to be somewhere at that time. Susan grabbed the test tubes and started scrubbing and washing them. I looked at her and suddenly my heart started beating very fast, we were alone I had to take this chance. I walked up to her and took held her hand in mine, I gazed deeply into her Emerald green eyes and said, “Susan. I love you.” She gasps in astonishment and says, “I love you too Muffin.” A lion inside me roars in triumphant.

Me and Susan were fine. We sat together, did our homework together, almost everything we did was together. One day, I asked her about her roots. Although she is my best friend I never really cared that much about her past until now. She started talking about her life at middle school. She had a boyfriend before me, but when the boyfriend broke up with her she was devastated. Suddenly she started crying, “what is wrong?” I asked. She stuttered while saying “I cannot handle another break up. I think we should just remain friends for now.” The lion in me suddenly whimpers in depression. “How I wish I had not asked her about the past!”

The M&M poem

Dear love,

I do not know why you are away from me,

My life is obliged by your promises,

But you have caused me endless suffering.

From hatred,

Raise upon an anger in me, a Devil,

I have been trying to reach you,

But how can I do that when you're not even in this world.

 But if,

If only you are around,

I will give you my heart.,

The sound of serenade for you.

Thus hereby,

You are no longer with me,

I shall live on towards the endless bliss that what is left for me from you,

p/s: I love you