It is said that a picture could say a thousand words...well I believe this one says more than a thousand...The sun rises from the east, a deep orange hue could be seen burning the blue2 sky...initially light rays from the sun began its slow descent to illuminate the world and more importantly Malaysia...Blinded from the bright light that was creeping between the cracks of my window sill I sheilded my eyes and stiffled a yawn...mechanically I got out of bed and made my way to stare in the eyes of the "man in the mirror"..As I washed my face in the sink, I couldnt help but hear - birds were chirping today...they never do tat before, looking for an answer I crossed my room and opened my phone calendar...well2 its graduation already? I brought out my shirt and tie for this special occasion and rode the car to Kampung Pandan..The weather was not perfect that morning...the sky was a grey colour signifying that it will soon rain...the sun that crept into my bedroom a few minutes ago dissapeared behind rows upon rows of dark grey clouds...The car stops into an abrupt halt, looking to my side I saw an all to familiar gate staring back at me..giving my parents a hand-kissing-shake gesture (o.o") I threw open the door and made my way inside the school compound...Rounding the corner I saw hustle and bustle of activities...people were zooming around me...I avoided all the oncoming figures and proceeded to my classroom to get my robe and get ready for my graduation...I stepped on the stage...as the teacher called my name I made my way to a VIP and took the scroll from hes hand...as I cradled the scroll in my hand...I thought to myself : "this event is neither An Initiation nor a Tradition, but merely A Graduation."

My Certificate insdie that booklet

Me And Azim (hes wearing the holy grail!!)

I knew u'd come sooner or later :D

Me and Syed

Me and Shafikah

The Pose

Taufiqians (dude in yellow EX)
After the picture snapping and the hand shaking I went back home to take the ultimate picture..I mean wats graduation without a HSM signature pose right? needless to say the day turned out from nice to great
lol the last picture looks retarded yet happy nice picture
thanks :D
i tink im goin u guys nye grad gak..saje menyibuk :)
azrul do you know how to spell?
btw i went back early yesterday rite? dint get to take ur picture... and seriously dude wht were u thinking when you took d last pic? LOL
i tink i do...wat did i misspell?
yala u balik early,ruby balik early, everyone balik early...I was thinking HSM
LOL sorry lah balik awal, my mom was waiting already kot haha.
Wuu, I'm not in the Taufikians :(
/was the one who suggest it ahaha
who ask u go back home so early? +_+...see we dun even haf one pic together....
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