Magnificent arent they? tigers or
stripus felinus sp they are indeed the pinnacle of existence...born with razor sharp claws, large teeth, fur that makes them dissapear in the jungles they hunt in kinda like harry potter's invisibility cloak...wats striking about these beasts is not wat they hunt..but how they hunt...tigers are born with excellent vision...the eyes can pierce through the dense forest undergrowth and sees everythin in the forest even in the overwhelming darkness...if u look into the eyes of a tiger u can see their soul, so goes the saying "the eyes are the windows to the soul"...they have determination and the will to succeed, they never gave up until they get what they want...I tink everyone at this crucial time shud be like tigers in this crucial hour...with SPM-Day just around the corner we should work and work until the midnight oil is burnt...for success does not come to you, but it is you who come to success...needless to say every hour,every minute,every second brings us closer and closer to that particular day...we have to prepare ourselves just like the tigers do when they are about to hunt...they sharpen thier claws, brush thier teeth?, and clean thier coats! "Today We Study, Tomorrow We Play!"
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