Its always hard to forget those who left us...even if we during the start never did really take heed of them..Im going to tell u the story of a man...a man whom all my life has been with me during I was a baby till I was a surreal teenager...Im not gonna tell u how he died, but instead on how he lived...The Late
Mohd Hariri bin Amina was born on the year 1930, he was a quiet person, only saying wat was needed and wat was appropriate at that given moment...through the years he lived hes life in happiness and serenity doing god's bidding every step of the way...he worked as a goverment servant, but did he really? based on the pics i've seen he was closely related to the mob than a just a normal dude...by the age of 20+ he began having visions of settling down and having a big family, seeing that thier boy was ready to have a family of hes own, hes parents arranged hes marriage with a fair skinned woman who is my future grandmother...so they got married and had 4 offspring...each one born special and happy in this world...he loved hes children very much, he cared for them...I remember my dad told me that when he got good grades my late grandfather would buy him a bottle of coke...Sadly, everything good in this earth never did last long...when he was 39 he begun to feel pain in hes heart...when he was diagnosed it produced a shocking result..he had a weak heart...doctors began working furiously on saving hes life...they added a SNA node in hes heart or pacemaker to help it beat normally...for 40 years he lived with a problematic heart but that did not stop him from seeing hes children grow into extraodinary people..1 became an accountant, other went different ways but still made him proud to call them hes children...on the 4th of October 2009 at exactly 5.00 a.m in the morning, he began having difficulty on breathing...nurse and doctors alike rushed to hes aid but to no avail...Sadly he had officially "moved on" and tears of sorrow were spilled...He was a great person and he left so sudden...although, he had lived for 79 years hes importance made people want him to stay longer so goes the term "Heaven wants him,Hell wont take him,Earth needed him"...He surely lived a good life and even in death hes face was still smiling...A Man? A Legend? ...no he is A Grandfather,Father,Husband,Son and he will surely be missed and we all pray for him to be happy in the afterlife...Al Fatihah below are pics of things and people he left behind suddenly and will love him till death do us part...

The Chair That Was Once Filled Is Now Empty

He Loved Hes Garden And Hes Garden Loved Him *note grey sky*

Friends Of Every Age Were Left Behind And Alone

Loving Family...Wife, 3 Sons and 1 Daughter

Loving Son And Wife
Though you have passed on but your legacies will live on forever..I will get those 10A's I promised you...In Loving Memory Of A Proud Father,Husband, And Grandfather...Mohd Hariri bin Amina 1930-2009
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