Monday, December 21, 2009
Comic Fiesta -09- my story...

Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Ashes To Ashes

Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Numbers, Numericals, Nastiness
Almost everythin in our daily lives use numbers as leverage and ways to express or solve problems...we were introduced to numbers when we were small, learn it when we are able to understand them and use them when we are able to manipulate them...though we were given the exposure at such a young age, at certain times we feel as if we dont truly understand thier usage..Its has been decreed subjects involving numbers are mandatory...so comes the birth of the Mathematics and shortly after Additional Mathematics lessons...I learned Number based lessons for 2 years so far..wasted endless hours of my life studying them, memorizing them, manipulating them...why I do these things u might ask? well the answer is simple really, I wanna pass the test...Now today was the big day, addmaths paper...I stared the paper down not even blinking at the mere sight of its awesome-ness...with a stroke of my pen and a tap of my calculator I began solving the problems that i encountered...some of them were easy :
- find value of 2 + 2
- if y is a number between 5 and 7, wat is y?
- if you have 3 apples and u give 2 to irfan how much would u have left?
- count probability of Azrul being adorable and simply macho (100% duhh)
and some were downright mind-boggling :
- if there was a qwerty in ur house count probability of it comin out of the hairdryer and out of the sink?
- if a ball is thrown up 200 cm in the air and it falls with a distance of H thing and it drops and bounces back at H1 calculate somethin2 blah3
- and hell i hate this one calculate value of k without us giving u any numbers,functions,gradients or anythin of the sort....
needless to say the paper destroyed me....It crushed my dreams of gettin 10A+...im sorry family, sorry teachers, sorry people who depend on me and sorry to myself...but those Numbers, Numericals were jst plain Nasty
Monday, November 23, 2009
Its Almost Over.....
*short post* cause of agama so got writers block a bit (my worst subject)
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Remember-Remember The 8th Of December
With 3 papers out of the way including the infamous history paper I believe that 2night I should just take it slow and "lepak2" a bit...Of course not! EST is 2morrow and hell its not as easy as u thought it would be...EST or English Science And Technology is a difficult subject! the paper requires you too juggle all the english-ed science based technology jargon and compress it all into one single report...Now im not worried at 1st cause I could usually buy my reports out with all those emo/over-the-top/dramatic english lines i keep using when I write, but not this time...this time the topics are different...this morning Puan Usha-Diane told us all that we should read up on AI and IT based Stuff so yea this is what i knw of AI so far :
- I play DOTA with it...and I win (5 on 1) *insane difficulty please* mode -apng-
- its a computer based "intelligence" that thinks as it is faced with problems
- it can lead to the destruction of the world if it got too smart (terminators)
- And they tend to make life more miserable by gettin extra gold in DOTA
would it suffice? would it even get me 1 mark? hell no! I sure as hell cant do this type of report..hopefully the Education Minsitry would beef out the report with points of thier own and am only required to write it out...but nevertheless I did my research here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Artificial_Intelligence and i found out that there are loads more to AI than simply pwning them in DOTA...it turns out that AI was there even during greek mythological times like the ever popular colossus of the God Haphaestus...damn! i dint even knw AI existed until the 21st century...bahh wish me luck for 2morrow cause i seriously need it...btw inset above is me and Arda, dont i look simply stunning?
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Friday, November 13, 2009
A Burning Hatred Released
Friday, November 6, 2009
A Song To Remember
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Eye Of The Tiger

Friday, October 30, 2009

Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Sea Of Dreams
Once Upon A Time in the deep2 places of Kg Pandan there lies a skool called SAB...so in that skool there was a young student all alone in the great hall with hes exam results in hand...He paced the floor as if he is waiting for somethin to happen...divine intervention? a revelation?...he kept pacing and pacing around the hall, hes footsteps making echoes that rang through the entire building...Suddenly the door flies open and a bright patch of light is formed on the floor..As he focused hes eyes on the figure that had just broken hes train of thought, he began feeling afraid and doubtful..as the light became attuned to hes eyes he finally makes out a shape...the figure had yellow hair, a thin slender body and a smile that could light up a blown out transformer...she steps out of the light to reveal her true indentity...the young student smiled playfully as he saw the figure making its way towards him..they locked thier gaze at each other, thinking "wow, I finally found him/her"...The young student lowered hes head and stared at the exam slip that he held in his hand...he slowly dropped onto one knee and stared at the yellow haired figure eyes and held out hes exam slip as if asking the figure for somethin of great importance...the yellow haired figure exhales deeply and made the widest smile the young student had ever seen...The young student gestured to the door showing that it is time that they high-tailed out of the hall and into the real world...she nodded in agreement and together with hands held tightly to each other they walked out of the hall and into the blinding light...
Monday, October 26, 2009
The Long Journey And The Tie That Binds
Azim : Azrul lets go Sungai Wang...I wan find a tie.
Azrul : wat the? watever for azim?
Azim : I wanna look good on graduation *smiles*
Azrul : You dont even look good now *laughs*
Azim : *makes sad puppy dog face* pleaseeeeee
Azrul : ahhhhhhhh,uhhhh,errrrr,ermmmm
Now at tis moment loads of things were goin through my mind, implications of the events that I would go through shud I go wit him to Sungai Wang...Suddenly somethin popped in my mind, Damn! im a SPM candidate! I cant waste my time going out buying a tie....
Azrul : I so malas today
Azim : Alaaaa tolong ahh *makes sad face* I really want that tieeeee, I need it!
Azrul : ......fine, but ur paying for transports
Now I knew Sungai Wang was far but i dint knw the journey was going to be that far...but luckily he did pay for transportation...Sadly, I wasnt specific in wat kind of transportation we'd be goin with...sure we took a bus to Bukit Bintang but after that its all walk from there...we walked and walked and walked until my shoes were wet from all the puddles I kept stepping in...than after we found the "holy grail" (tie), we walked back down and exited Sungai Wang...at tis moment I asked him of our means to go back home...
Azim : well nak balik naik LRT kat KLCC lah
Azrul : oh so how we gettin to KLCC
Azim : we walking...
Azrul : Oh? only takes like wat? 5 mins walk rite?
Azim : ahhh yea sure stones throw away only
I thought KL was so small, everythins like connected and tightly packed...boy was i proven wrong...we walked, and walked, and walked until the familiar twin towers came into view...gosh how long has it been? he checked hes watch, wth? 10 mins so long i walk! sweaty and smelly me and Azim walked into KLCC packed crowded halls and pathways and rode the LRT...i pity everyone in the train just nw...we all packed like sardines in the train and i smell so nice that time..ah well wat could be worst rite? smooth sailing now...when we got down from the train I asked Azim again...
Azrul : how we gettin home?
Azim : the economically way..by bus
Now I thought there was a bus terminal near my house so i said ok...dude was just tryin to be economical and frugal...waited like 10 more mins than the bus started to come to life and so came to a close to our long journey...suddenly it stops near my frens house but still so far away from my house...
Azim : weyh come down...tis our stop
Azrul : Tf? my house still long way to go
Azim : mana ada bus going ur house
Azrul :.....
So I walked with him to hes house and now its my turn for pity and sympathy,
Azrul : eh use ur car send me home
Azim : ala malas lah...u excercise by walking
Azrul : Pleaseee *makes sad dog face*
Azim : ye ok fine i send u
alright! i came back home and took a shower to wash out the smell...and here I am..after the Long Journey And The Tie That Binds
Thursday, October 15, 2009
The Thing Between TSA

Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Smoke It And You'll Regret It
-because I care for ur welfare-
Muffin007, Art5503
Monday, October 12, 2009
A Swift Stroke Of Passion
Friday, October 9, 2009
The True Followers And The Blind Ones
Mak Kau (game alias) : weyh my sf noob la! can switch to make it fair?
Muffin@@" : eh fuck u its a fair game dumbass (5 vs 4)
Mak Kau : switch la he noob...we want stealthed assassin (he never died from 1st to last)
Muffin@@" : luck la stupid! not my problem if ur team got no skill
Strawberry : blah.blah,blah
so after that he went quiet so i thought "dude finally realized hes mistake! than suddenly 4 random dudes walk up to our row...and started showing off thier gengster-ism-ness?
so they started scolding strawberry for being so "laser mouthed"...if I recalled my memories, it was Mak Kau who called us kurang ajar and stupid and stuff...so w/e after that we met Mak Kau outside than he apologized to us for being so spoiled...and he dint knw hes frens go scold us...Ahhhh so those guys wanted to look good in front of everyone and Mak Kau...Good Friend? well f@@k u...good friends show us our mistakes not support them...Call them cool or w/e if u wish...I call them the "Blind Ones"
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
The Black Parade
Though you have passed on but your legacies will live on forever..I will get those 10A's I promised you...In Loving Memory Of A Proud Father,Husband, And Grandfather...Mohd Hariri bin Amina 1930-2009
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Somethin Wicked This Way Comes
Friday, October 2, 2009
Shock And Awe...
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Open House : Farah

Monday, September 21, 2009
1st D.O.R
Family Pic Time
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Peace And Prosperity To All

Thursday, September 17, 2009
Raya Ruckus
Prayers In The Dark
illiya : got a mingo-mingo truck outside selling icecream ouh...
Amin : *silence*
shazwan : ada ramai girls kan buying it?
Me : Aa'aa i saw loads of people out there...ada line lagi tuh
illiya : takpe jom pegi beli je
so we walked outside and headed towards the truck...as we reached the front staircase of the mosque we saw a sight of disbelief! the line was longer compared to 7 minutes ago...so we formed a circle and waited for the line to clear...suddenly out of the blue, comes one "pak-cik" probably a mosque staff worker...came to us and asked about our future and plans etc...its a standard ceramah but have a twist of religion in it :D ...when he was finished with hes random speech..the azan could be heard...
Me : Alaaaa tak sempat beli mingo-mingo!
Amin : *dah sedar skit* ice-cream tuh takkan pegi mana-mana
Bah, we made our way back into the mosque praying area and took our positions in the middle...as the 2nd rakaat was finishing...The lights suddenly went out! shouts from the children at the back could be heard in the background screaming and panicking...the Imam got up and told us to continue with the prayer...so I followed wat he said and did the Prayers In The Dark...and when I finished praying - the lights came back on! I smiled to myself and headed outside to buy mingo-mingo...but to my greater dismay the truck had dissapeared...I wanted to try mingo-mingo so badly :/
Monday, September 14, 2009
50th post passed!
Writers Block
tats y my blog seems dead for the past few days...as they always say..a writers worst enemy is hes own mind @@'
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Busy Times....