Heres an interesting thought, We keep hearing "jst be urself, they'll like u for who u are" ever realized how false that statement is?
the world is a big place, and every area is bound to be different be it in a big or small way. when we approach something new we tend to move cautiously. Every step is carefully taken. for fear of unacceptance frm the public.
we adapt, like things that we dont like. act like we know things that we dont actually know. losing ourselves in the process.
theses changes in personality are by all means ok, but not to the extent of forgettin who u really are. when the losers act like they're the masters u know theres somethin wrong wit the world.
Those who were once beneath u now think they're higher than u, due to a change in thier enviroment. When ur so used to ur daily routine, even the slightest of bumps can cause u in disarray. You dont knw wat to do, the world that u once knew and love seems to be crashing down faster than u can rebuild it.
When faced with these paradigm shifts. best thing to do is either join them. or forsake them.
Yes its true everbody desires companionship but what happens if u simply hate every single soul around you?
I would move on and never look back. jst like Lightning. I appear in a flash, but I vanish as quickly as i appeared.
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
The Way Things Are
How do u deal with disappointment? do u simply walk away from it? or do u move on to build urself up too be a stronger person than before so that u may face the disappointment again but in a more less vulnerable state?
What can u do? when u feel the weight of the world crumbling around you.
What happens when u lose ur focus and ur purpose?
"the only thing to do is too hope for a quick death" says Hope
"Pray" says Justin Bieber
"vanish, never look back" says Lightning
None of them knows wats eating me frm the inside.
ppl may claim that im happy go lucky. but the face u see on the outside is merely but a shell
wat lies inside all stored up and packed tightly together, misery/sorrow/sadness/discontent/regrets beyond compare. i laugh when inside i actually cry. I smile when im actually im frowning. I love when actually Im depressed. Unstable and unhappy I walk on, where i jst add more ill-mannered emotions to my list. As I ask myself the million dollar question, "why do i go on?" "dont i love myself enough too be able to put myself through such a living nightmare?" simple answer being because Thats jst the way things are. life puts u down, and the next it helps u up. all we can do is jst wait for that time to arrive..
What can u do? when u feel the weight of the world crumbling around you.
What happens when u lose ur focus and ur purpose?
"the only thing to do is too hope for a quick death" says Hope
"Pray" says Justin Bieber
"vanish, never look back" says Lightning
None of them knows wats eating me frm the inside.
ppl may claim that im happy go lucky. but the face u see on the outside is merely but a shell
wat lies inside all stored up and packed tightly together, misery/sorrow/sadness/discontent/regrets beyond compare. i laugh when inside i actually cry. I smile when im actually im frowning. I love when actually Im depressed. Unstable and unhappy I walk on, where i jst add more ill-mannered emotions to my list. As I ask myself the million dollar question, "why do i go on?" "dont i love myself enough too be able to put myself through such a living nightmare?" simple answer being because Thats jst the way things are. life puts u down, and the next it helps u up. all we can do is jst wait for that time to arrive..
Friday, December 31, 2010
First Post For A Fresh Start
With the midnight sky lighted up in a brilliant flash of all manner of colours, mankind closes a chapter of thier lives. and begins writing new ones in thier books. this shud be the first verse within the 2011 chapter "writing a blog". with ever great ending there comes an even greater story. 2010 was no different frm any other year, filled with misery/disappointment/sorrow/grief/distraught nevertheless there was also happiness/love/passion/fun/excitement. all forms of fellowships were made. we tie new knots and we severe loose ones. yes 2010 was never a dull moment everyday was like a surprise and a treat, thats why they call it "the present". now it is the past. and we must look towards the present time, 2011.
my resolutions?
1) to not sleep in class
2) to pay attention in class
3) etc2
This is the beginning of a beautiful year. though we do not knw wat lies ahead. but we mst constantly remain positive wtv the cost. because only by living do u truly find eternal happiness.
this is Ahmad Azrul with my First Post For A Fresh Start. Happy New Year fellow readers ;)
my resolutions?
1) to not sleep in class
2) to pay attention in class
3) etc2
This is the beginning of a beautiful year. though we do not knw wat lies ahead. but we mst constantly remain positive wtv the cost. because only by living do u truly find eternal happiness.
this is Ahmad Azrul with my First Post For A Fresh Start. Happy New Year fellow readers ;)
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Love Passion Obsession.
What most people are unaware of is how lightly they throw these 3 words around. For instances i was called an obsessive person due to the fact that I cared for somebody.
yes they bring almost the same meaning but "almost" is not 100% correct its a common mistake that we humans make due to our reckless nature.
Love is an emotion that brings us to a certain degree of care-ness. it makes us happy and joyful even through the darkest of moments. The very thought of the thing u love allows u to understand that u have a purpose in life and you should treasure it always. ie : I LOVE my life.
Passion is a force or push the body feels when it nids something. It is the root of Love which teaches us that even through thick or thin the passion within has to be sated one way or another. For example : My passion is through Girls Generation and Razer
Last but not least. Obsession. this is one of the most complex drive felt by the human body. the mind constantly thinks about It. The soul yearns for It. The Heart beats for It. It is forever there stored in these 3 places constantly haunting us with its irresistable pull. It cannot be ignored. Dianna Agron :)
yes they bring almost the same meaning but "almost" is not 100% correct its a common mistake that we humans make due to our reckless nature.

so there u have it. a world of difference for the 3 things that share a common trait
Saturday, December 11, 2010
The End.
2010 emerges frm its brilliant cacoon. its 12 months of wait is almost over. like a candle burning till the end of its wick. with each passing second the year seems to fade into the abyss joining its earlier predecessors. It is time, like all good things on this earth it must end and succumb to make room for newer/better things. 2011 promises good tidings all round for me. one can only hope that such pre-determined fates are going to be proven true rather than simply false hope. This Is It. This Is The End.
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Friend Or Foe?

Make up your mind! , that seems to be the general consensus that seems to have an act to repeat itself. The thing is i just cant, to me the mind is a very powerful sentient being. It constantly fluctuates and changes just like the economy. Somtimes its good, and most of the time not so good. It can be a good friend as well as a bad enemy. It helps u solve riddles and puzzles in ur journey on life's road. But at certain points it fills ur head with things that ur heart truly yearns for. It always begins with an idea. The mind plants it there, nurturing it and helping it grow until it becomes a need. Someone once told me that "if it can be dreamt, it can be done". Like life, the mind also finds a way to kick you down and shoves a plateful of S^&t right up ur face. You fail to achieve ur dreams, dissappointed in urself u roam the earth like a zombie while ur failiure continues to consume ur very insides, u try forget about it but ur mind has a strong memory, it shows flashes of ur fall and builds up the stress within which in turn fuels ur mixed emotions of "sangry" (sad + angry) until at on point the strain just pushes you to the brink of ur sanity that only leaves u with one option. suicide. So does the positives really outweigh the negative? sure without the mind we will become zombies without our own free will. But dont we also follow the tiny voice inside our head? making decisions based on what it wants us to do regardless of it being productive or counter productive. Isnt being controlled by an entity shows that u also dont have any free will of ur own? is giving false hopes and dreams which only spark rejection positive? frankly its up to you. I have made my verdict.
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